Plastic Mould Steel

Plastic Mould Steel
1.2738 Prehardened Plastic Mould Steel hardness in as supplied condition 280-325 H B (BHN) Good Machinability Suitable for texturing improved through hardening in Comparison with thyroplast 2311 Goods Polishability Additional nickel content of 1% increase the through hardenability. 1.2316 Increased corrosion resistance in comparision with thyroplast 2083 goods polishability this steel is usually supplied in quenched and tempered Condition with a working hardness of approx. 300 HBC (Approx. 30 HRC). Moulds for Processing Plastics With Corrosive action.
Phosphor bronze is a type of bronze alloy that contains a significant amount of phosphorus as one of its primary alloying elements, in addition to copper and tin. The exact composition of phosphor bronze can vary, but it typically consists of around 3.5-10% tin and 0.01-0.35% phosphorus, with the remainder being copper. This alloy is known for its unique combination of properties, making it suitable for a variety of applications.
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